
I am No Longer an “American Girl Fan”

I know that I haven’t been on here in a while, but first I need to say something else.  Something even more important than any post that you could ever read here, or any doll blog for that matter.

AG has officially declared their support for gay marriage.  They boldly revealed it in their November/December magazine edition.

IMG_4081 IMG_4082

My mom usually never looks at my magazine when I get it in the mail, but something told her to this time.  She scanned through and saw this article about a girl’s “Forever Family”, including her gay parents- as you can see from the photo.  She took me into my parents’ room, and we sat down and talked.  She showed me the article, and asked me what I thought I should do about it.  I told her I wanted to encourage all of you to help me show American Girl that this is not what we expected from them.  We trusted them to let us focus on being girls in a CLEAN AND SAFE environment; not to promote and teach young girls that this is natural and right! So I’m asking you guys to help me show AG what we think and what we stand for!  Share this post on your blog, or write a post yourself.  Post on all the social media that you are involved in, share with friends, family, and acquaintances, and write to American Girl to tell them your thoughts.

Also, I want you guys to know that I’m not judging ANYONE.  I just believe that we have the right to protect ourselves from things that we should not be influenced by.  Also, I’m not shutting down this blog, selling my dolls, or going to stop visiting doll sites.  I love dolls, but now, I VERY much dislike AG.  I feel they have betrayed us.  It makes me upset and sad because of what they have done; one of my main hobbies has been partly destroyed.  For this reason, I will not support them or buy any of their products in which the proceeds go directly to them(I will, however, buy used).  Once again, I encourage you all to voice your thoughts and opinions on this matter.

Please spread the word.


158 thoughts on “I am No Longer an “American Girl Fan”

  1. Oh my gosh. I heard about this before I read this post, but I couldn’t believe AG would do that especially since they SAY they provide a safe and clean environment for girls particularly in their magazines! I can’t tell you how disappointed I am with AG. I am definitely going to use your extremely well written post on my blog. It’s going to be pretty hard for me to not buy directly from AG though even though what they did was so wrong (it made me feel sick). I’m not sure what I’m going to do about that.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It really is awful of AG; but I am super proud that I see girls standing up for what’s right, especially since its hard because their products are loved. It is hard, but its really great you’re taking a stand.
      God bless.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Wow.
    I feel sick.
    I can’t believe AG would do something like that. 😦 That’s really not nice that they betrayed us like that.
    I haven’t bought from AG in a while anyway, but now I’m definitely not going to, and I hope others do the same. I’ll probably write to AG about this. I had no idea about any of this because I haven’t bought the magazine in a while. I saw this issue at the bookstore and flipped through it, but I must’ve missed this part. I was actually kind of thinking of buying it but I’m so glad I didn’t.
    I’m really bummed now. 😦

    Liked by 2 people

  3. That is so terrible! I really wish AG hadn’t done this, though really I’m not surprised. 😦 There are lots of other cool doll brands, OG for example. They have a great message and very affordable prices! :} I think buying from a place like them instead would be a good idea. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s really awful. I’ve always felt the American Girl never upheld Christian beliefs, but that’s really brazen. I figured that they would show it by, just maybe in a movie the kids have homosexual parents, or something. We never bought for AG anyway, except when I won a gift card. I’d say eBay or Amazon would be a better place to go buy stuff. Except they support gay marriage too… :/ Thanks for sharing this. I can’t, really, because I don’t have a blog or any social media sites.


    Liked by 4 people

  5. I am seriously so upset about this. I was just telling my mom recently how I just knew AG was going to do something to support gays sooner or later. And here it is. Ugh 😦
    While I completely understand how you and other girls and their parents wouldn’t want to purchase from AG anymore because you don’t want to support gays (really, I get it, I’m really mad at AG, too), It makes me sad to say that we can’t avoid it. It is such a huge part of our world now and SO many companies support it and other horrible things, that if we stopped shopping with every company who did, there would be no place left to shop. Sadly, I think we just have to accept it, but that does not mean we support it. It’s only going to get worse and soon it’ll be everywhere. I’m not saying this to force you to still shop with AG, just sharing the opinion I have. And again, I completely understand how you feel. It’s so awful and it makes me sick to think of what else AG might do to show their support :/
    I’m proud of you, Lainey, for standing up for what you believe in and sharing about this and your feelings towards it on your blog 🙂

    Liked by 8 people

    1. Yes, I understand what you mean completely! Basically every store(even grocery) supports gays or abortion, and we are forced to buy from them. That’s why I will buy used. Even though eBay supports bad stuff, at least my money is not going DIRECTLY to them. I just want to get a message across to American Girl that they are doing exactly what we want them not to do.

      Thank you, Jaclynn. 🙂

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      1. First of all, I just want to say how heartbroken I am. I’m very, very sad that American Girl is showing their support for gay marriage. I knew they would do it sometime. Actually, I was going to send them an e-mail saying how much I love their products and the company and am very happy that they don’t support gay marriage and that they don’t bash Christians, and I wish I could have sent it sooner before this issue came out…though I doubt it would have changed anything.

        Second of all, no company is perfect. I agree with Jaclynn… a bunch of grocery stores and online companies support it now, and we’re forced to buy from them. I still love American Girl for the many good things it does – and I am sad about the mistakes its made as a company.

        But I was an American Girl fan when they introduced BeForever, which I didn’t like, I was an American Girl fan when I found out they donated to a charity that supports abortion, and I’m still an American Girl fan now. I don’t agree with what they did. I’m heartbroken. But the wonderful things American Girl has brought to my life are more than the bad choices they have made. For example, I love my family – I don’t love the mistakes they make. Everyone makes them.

        I love American Girl. I don’t love their mistakes. All companies make them.

        Third of all, Thanks for sharing this, Lainey. That was right of you to stand out for what is right. I hope we will all continue to do the same – I know I will. I will by keep preaching the Gospel and doing what God wants me to do. By being a good example to others and letting our light shine, we make a stand.

        Keep loving your dolls y’all, whether purchasing from AG or not – do what you know your heart is right. 🙂


        Liked by 5 people

      2. Yes, I agree, Madi.
        My only question is, how will these issues ever stop if we don’t put our foot down?
        I also want you to know that I respect you all and your opinions. You all are such a big part of my life. I have to stand firm though. Some things are necessities. But even though I love my dolls GREATLY and the products, it’s ok to live without. Because I feel that this is what my Father would want me to do. If God hated this issue so much that He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, I don’t think He wants me to support it. I don’t know God’s plan for every heart, and every plan for each life, but I know what He wants of me.
        Thank you for your support Madi. I appreciate you so very much. All of you. Never forget how special you all are. For different reasons for each person, I admire you all!:)

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      3. I’m not sure how these issues will stop, but I agree about how we can all live without the dolls. The way I make a stand aginst the plans of the enemy is I use my dolls for God’s glory – the mission of my blog and youtube is to share the love of Jesus Christ through things we love – dolls.
        Oh! I had just had a thought! Pleasant T. Rowland said this: “From its inception, it was a doll company, a toy company, a clothing company, a publishing company, and a direct mail company all at once. But in truth, from its beginning vision, it was a company that was BIGGER THAN THE SUM OF ALL THOSE PARTS. It was a girl company, and anything that was good for girls was ours to give them.”
        So the company was made to celebrate girls. I haven’t read the holiday issue myself yet, but I was wondering, if there was a possibility that since AG is celebrating girls, maybe they put that in the magazine to tell girls that “You still rock and you are still an amazing girl, no matter who your parents are or what decisions they made.” Did AG say in the article that they support gay marriage? Just curious, since I haven’t received it myself yet.

        P.S. Definitely not trying to start a debate or anything! I respect everyone’s opinions and admire you for doing what God is speaking to you to do! Just curious if that was a possibility, that it was to let girls know they are still special and that they aren’t the only ones with gay parents.

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      4. I bought the magazine and read it. It does not say that her parents are gay at all. The only thing that tells the reader this is the picture. The article just refers to them as “Amaya’s parents”. If the picture hadn’t been there I would have thought it was a great article because her parents (one who was in foster homes as a child) decided to adopt a bunch of foster kids. Many foster kids have a very hard life and the fact that AG is putting a spotlight on them is really great. If they had chosen to write the article about a different family I would have been pleased with AG.

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      5. Okay, thank you so much for telling me that! Was very curious about it. That’s great of AG to bring attention to kids in foster homes. I agree, if they wrote it about a different family, I would be very pleased with AG too. 🙂

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  6. Wow. I had no idea. This is outrageous. I already do not buy much from American Girl but this has made me NEVER biy their produces ever again. Thank you very much for sharing. If you dodnt share this I would have never have known since I dont get the magazone. Thank you again.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I’m going to post about this. Did you know that American girl also supports Planned Parenthood? I just heard about this today. Appariently this has been going on for a while. Some the AG’s proceeds actually go to planned parenthood. I personally think that is worse, even though I do not AT ALL support either. I don’t even know what they are thinking. So they are supporting abortions, which leads to less kids, which leads to less costumers in future generations! I also find it intriguing that they didnt post about either of these things on any of their social medias. It’s like they are trying to hid this from the parents. This makes me sick, and I plan to write to AG and post about this on my blog. Thank you again.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I had heard rumours, but I looked it up, and could not find ANYTHING! I think you’re right, that AG is trying to hid this from parents.
        I know! It makes no sense:(
        Thank you for the support in this matter.


      3. I told that to my mom but she just thinks it’s not that their honoring gay marriage, the girl just had gay parents. But I think they’re trying to hid it. I mean the parents think it’s appropriate for their girls, so why would they even open it? I’m really torn that this had to happen, because I want to get things on cyber monday, but now that I’ve heard about this I wouldn’t support them for the world. Not so much about the gay marriage thing since their not giving money to gay marriage, but the planned parenthood thing. I mean if I buy anything from them I’ll be supporting planned parenthood that I will never, EVER support that…. IDK


      4. Haha, maybe I will too, even though I don’t have a gift card xD. But I really don’t know yet. I don’t know if my mom will even let me :/


      1. Just scroll down to the end of the post where it shows the likes, and there will be some social media icons there also. Click on the WordPress one, and then it will let you reblog the post. 😉


    1. I am so upset about this!!!!!! I called AG and let them know about it too!!!! I would suggest that everyone did likewise and also send them letters about our disgust with this issue!!!!!

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      1. Seriously!! Its so great to me to see fellow Christian, tween and teen girls standing up for what’s right! It might be difficult, but I really encourage everyone to stand up just like we’re doing! 🙂 Its cool to see fellow young girls not taking this as OK, but rather staying strong with what’s right.
        God bless!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Lainey. I just wanted to thank you so much for posting this. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known, and I’m very proud of you for standing up for what you believe. I reblogged your post because it represented my view exactly. It is also very well written. 🙂
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Reblogged this on Everything Fun Under The Sun and commented:
    Lainey at Dolls in the Heart of Dixie posted about a very serious, upsetting matter concerning American Girl.
    If you’re younger and are reading this, I would suggest you read the following post with an adult, just because the topic is deep.
    I strongly agree with everything Lainey has said. Unless AG reverses their support of gay “marriage”, I will no longer support or buy products directly from American Girl. I will also write to AG and express my outrage and frustration on this matter, and I encourage all of you to do the same.
    I probably don’t even need to say this, but I’m going to be taking a bit of a break from AG related posts on here.
    Words can’t even express how upset and heartbroken I am over this. 😦 I really trusted AG and I’m sure all of you did too.

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  9. I don’t think what AG wrote about is a horrible thing at all. They are exposing girls to all the different kinds of people out there. Why is it so terrible for two men or two women to love each other? And what if a girl reads that article and realizes it is ok to be herself? What is she supposed to do, not be able to love anyone? I understand that you all don’t agree, but I don’t think what AG did was a bad thing at all!

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    1. For really the most simple of reasons. As a Christian, God has firmly said that this is wrong. He hates it so much, that He destroyed a city and everyone in it for doing this very thing. There is a saying “God hates the sin, not the sinner”- that means He loves EVERYONE, even gay couples and supporters. He wants us to do what is right though and follow Him. Everyone can tell what is morally right or wrong. Would it be right for someone to go and kill someone, just because they felt that way and they wanted to follow their heart? Of course not. Same with gay marriage-following your heart is not the right thing to do when you’re using it in the opposite way it was made for. You may not understand anything I have said, but God loves you SO SO SO SO very much. I hope you know that. 🙂

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Agreed – If you follow your heart, it should line up with the Word of God and it should be something God put in your heart, not something the devil wanted you to do.

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      2. Wow, Lainey, you put it very well! 🙂
        As a Believer, Lover, and Follower, and Friend, of the Creator Yahweh- He says very clearly that gay stuff is an sin. But Lainey is right! He hates the sin, not the sinner- He doesn’t hate anyone. But He also doesn’t want us, as His children, to support things or accept things that aren’t OK…
        Seriously Lainey, I loved how you put it! 🙂
        AG was supposed to be clean and safe for all girls… They really betrayed a MAJOR part of their buyers and lovers- Christian girls… By standing up for what’s right, I really think we’re pleasing God, He wants us to Follow Him. This is another way we can do what’s right.
        God bless!

        Liked by 2 people

  10. Thank you for sharing this. This is indeed sad to hear. AG has strayed so far from their roots and I can no longer support them. This severed any tie I had with them — since the early 1990s.

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  11. I am so sad with American Girl. At first I was a bit hesitant to react, because I really love their stuff. After doing even deeper research I am more heart broken about what American Girl has been hiding!

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  12. Like gay marriage or not, for me, I don’t think it’s a companies job to use their product as a political platform to announce their positions to their consumers children. At least be as grown up as Starbucks.

    My point here is I’m super disappointed they used the girls magazine to announce their support. I think they could have chosen a better way to make their political stand known, but then how would they reach the youth with their agenda?

    For those who disagree, let me ask this, would you be okay if they did this with planned parenthood, whom they have also supported? Would you be okay if a pro-life group did it with pictures of the aborted baby body parts planned parenthood sells?

    Liked by 2 people

  13. I am so upset right now. I saw this post today and have not been able to stop thinking about it. I am so disappointed in American Girl. I sent them a long, LONG email expressing the views of not just myself but the entire doll-blogging community, and I hope to get a response and do a blog post. I totally support your decision to stop buying from AG, however, it’s not ideal for me. Like Jaclynn said, so many of the stores we buy food and clothes from have supported homosexuality for a long time, and I don’t feel convicted to stop buying from one company and not the other. I’ll probably just get the new GOTYs and take advantage of their sales, but but other dolls used. I have lost so much respect for American Girl, and I am very thankful to be a part of a community that will say something about it. I told them that we have supported them through everything, even raising prices, but we cannot support this.
    PS: thank you so much for starting the conversation about this! Have a blessed day!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for posting.
      Actually, I can’t agree. If everyone has the same mind set that it can’t change, then it won’t. But if we give it our all, and are determined, you can be surprised at how much we are heard. For instance, already in TWO days, 183 people have posted about this on social media(182 Facebook and 1 Twitter), plus around 5 people have posted! Imagine what a month will do!:) I believe, with prayer and the Lord’s help, we can do anything! “I can do ALL things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13

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      1. I totally agree with you, Lainey. If everyone thinks that we can’t change things, than we won’t. I do agree with this, too-there are so many companies that support things that are morally wrong. It would be extremely hard to stop buying from all of them. But we might consider stopping buying from the companies that support bad things that sell products we don’t really need(or maybe we can find a similar product somewhere else). I’m not telling everyone to stop buying from AG. You should all do what God leads you to do. But, I don’t think the reason for not stopping buying from AG should be “we can’t change anything” or “there are so many businesses that support evil practices, and we can’t possibly stop buying products from all of them, so we shouldn’t stop buying from any of them.”
        I’m not trying to start a debate, I just wanted to share my view. 🙂
        ~Christian Homeschooler
        P.S. That’s amazing that so many people have shared about this, Lainey! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Maybe it can change. But I don’t know what to do, with american girl being such a large company, will they really listen to a group of people who don’t like what they are doing?

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      3. Yes, I believe so. Though we have to have faith, and stand firm on our beliefs. I’m not trying to start an argument, because I appreciate you very, very much. But I believe in miracles. If we need one, I believe that God will supply one!:)


      4. I agree with you very much Christan Homeschooler. My reson shouldn’t be because we can’t change anything. After much thought I decided that I want to help. I will do whatever I can, but what can we do? They won’t take it out of the magizene, and they can’t say they were wrong without starting a fight. So what exactly are we trying to change?


      5. I admire you very much for wanting to help and I think I understand your confusion. It may take a long time, but maybe eventually AG will be forced to stop supporting gay marriage and abortion. But until then, this is a shout out to everyone in our nation, that even we girls want and will take a stand for what’s right! No matter what some people think.
        I’m thinking about starting an actual web site having to do with all this and if I do, there will be a post about it coming soon. If I do, there will be several ideas on there for how you can help. 🙂 I appreciate it if you already have, but have you posted about this? That’s one way! Another thing is to write or e-mail AG about this, and tell them how you feel about their decision.

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  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post. It expressed my feelings exactly.
    I know that AG has supported anti-Biblical stuff in the past, but this was just blatant. I am heartbroken. But it just goes to show how our world is going downhill.
    I will definitely write to AG about this. If enough people write to them about it, then maybe AG will take a more neutral stand on this topic, or at least not glorify it in their magazines. I’m already praying that this will be the case.
    So, I guess this a wake-up call to girls to stand strong for what they believe in! We know what is wrong, and we will fight it with Jesus’s help. 🙂


    Liked by 4 people

    1. I’m so glad that we are in agreement!
      Our world is definitely going down hill.
      Thank you for the support! I completely agree! If it’s Jesus’ will, we can do anything with His help!:)


  15. Hi, Lainey! I agree on some points. AG says “a clean and safe environment”, but I feel like by doing this they are influencing girls both religiously and politically. I feel like girls should be able to make choices with themselves. And whether or not people support gay marriage, they are influencing girls in this way. I guess AG supports it, and we have to respect that, but to make it public and making a huge deal out of it is completely different. AG has such a varied audience. They are going to insult a lot of people. I’m not really insulted, but more baffled. Why would they do that? This is a matter of politics and religion. Why is it in a girl’s magazine?
    Ok, my rant is over. I won’t post this on my blog because I know some people will think otherwise and I don’t want to insult them as AG did. I hope you understand.

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    1. I’m very confused. AG insulted a lot of people. They are going to lose a lot of buyers. And whether or not I support gay marriage, they, again, are influencing LOTS of girls. Girls should make those choices for themselves. I’m not mad at them. Just really, really, baffled.

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  16. This is so sad! I know that a lot of things these days support this, and I figured AG probably would someday, but I wish they didn’t. People who don’t agree with the Bible think that we are forcing our beliefs on them, but really when stuff like this happens it’s like they’re forcing it on us! I’m definitely going to try to get most doll stuff used, I’m going to unsubscribe from the magazine, and write an email to them about this. I really need to think about what I’m going to do, but this is just so sad.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Wow! I’m going to talk to my mom about this! I don’t think I will be buying from them personally, though I might buy used! Thank you for posting this! I don’t get the catalog so I would never have known.

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  18. I haven’t even seen the special holiday edition magazine for this year and I was looking forward to purchasing it, but NOT anymore. :/ It’s terrible when a girl (potentially as young as 5 or 6 years old) can’t even open a magazine published by a DOLL company without having wrong and controversial ideas placed into her mind for her to be influenced by. My little sisters and I enjoy reading through the AG magazines together and I have been reading the magazines since 2011, when I was only 8 or 9 years old (I am 13 now). It saddens me that now an activity that I actually enjoyed doing with my sisters (that is rare XD) is no longer safe for us to do together. Something that was once a safe activity for many girls has gone away.

    I haven’t purchased anything from AG since my birthday last January and like many others who have commented, I was really looking forward to scoring some deals during the upcoming Cyber Monday sale. Unfortunately, I believe that I probably no longer have that to look forward to, knowing that I would be supporting such things as this magazine post. Also, to hear that they also support things such as abortion…Wow. AG is really going to be losing a LOT of business, because I know that most of their Christian fans (such as myself) will not agree with any this.

    On the bright side, Etsy, Our Generation, and even Toys R Us (Journey Girls) offer really cute accessory sets and clothing for a much more reasonable price. Etsy is a great platform for handmade sellers who really produce quality clothing, and Our Generation and Journey Girls sets are of pretty high quality.

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Wait, I’m confused.
    I understand that AG is a DOLL company, and they shouldn’t bring these long-conversation topics into a young girl’s life (i.e. 7-8 year olds) but what’s so wrong about believing in gay/lesbian marriage? I thought everyone was treated “equal”, and I’m proud of AG for showing that they agree! (although they could’ve shown it in a better way than advertising it in their magazines…) You said you were upset that AG was teaching girls that this was “natural and right”, but I think it is “natural and right”. It’s okay to like someone that is the same gender as you. Some of my family’s greatest friends are gay, and they are lovely people. There’s nothing wrong with being gay/lesbian. I understand that we all have our own beliefs, and I believe that we should accept anyone who is from the LGBTQ community. They’ve been hiding in the dark for years, afraid to tell people who they like or who they’re attracted to. Just because you like someone that is the same gender as you doesn’t mean that you’re weird or a bad person. I don’t think we should view it as “different”, I think we should just view it as “normal”. Yes, viewing same-gender marriage is going to take some getting used to, but I hope that we can all learn to accept it and support it. Thanks for your opinion, and have a wonderful day! 🙂

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    1. I agree that all gays are not bad people. I don’t judge them. All people are created equal means that we should accept all people. I believe that. Gays should not be ridiculed but that doesn’t make their actions right.
      Have a nice night and Jesus loves you!:)

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I totally agree with you here, we have close family friends that are gay/lesbian. It’s not wrong. I think the article was one of the best ones that has ever been in a AG magazine. I mean if you were in the same position as the girl in the article you wouldn’t think it was wrong, would you? Is it wrong to love someone just because they are the same sex as them (if yes, then does that mean that mothers shouldn’t love their daughters)? If you felt that way about someone the same sex would you just not admit it to anyone (including yourself)? Because if so, I think that would be a lot worse than admitting it.
      I’m not judging anyone, just stating what I think.

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      1. There are different kinds of love. Here in modern times we sometimes don’t recognize that. Loving your parents, or your children, is different from how you would love your spouse or your best friend. Because you SHOULD love them, even though it isn’t always easy. What’s wrong here is when they have a ‘romantic’ love, since God created men for women and women for men. Another thing to note is that love is a VERB. It’s an action. Not just some ‘feeling’ that you can’t help! Homosexuals are attracted to the same sex, but that doesn’t make them right! When I get angry and want to hurt things or people, I have to ACTUALLY TRY to stop, to keep in control. I’m not comparing homosexuals to angry people, I’m just saying that FEELINGS ARE FEELINGS. Feelings change, they aren’t constant! Love is a choice, it’s something you THINK ABOUT and ACT ON because love IS AN ACTION.
        Being attracted to the same sex isn’t something you should be ashamed of, of course. However, you should try to work through it, go to a therapist or talk to a pastor for instance. I’m not judging anyone, but I do believe that people have CHOICES in how they feel, and in the very least how they act on them!
        What really bugs me is when people say “Love is Love.” LOVE IS AN ACTION. Love is hard work, it’s putting others before yourself. Love isn’t your feelings or attraction. Let’s not confuse love with infatuation.


      2. Amelia- yes, I agree with you! There are different kinds of love. The Bible tells us to love everyone, even our enemies. Loving an enemy is not the same kind of love as loving a spouse. God meant the special love between married couples to be between one man and one woman. Mothers should love their daughters, and fathers should love their sons. But not in the same way as a man loves a woman.


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  20. I let a 6-year-old friend of mine read some of mine have my old AG magazines. I know that AG is 8+, but I was into AG before that. I can’t imagine any girl, especially girls 8 and under reading something like that since girls that age probably don’t know about this issue. A lot of moms will surely be complaining. I will try to email or write American Girl if possible. I know they want to say “this is part of the world now, kids need to know about it,” but AG magazines are not the place!

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  21. You know, it’s just awful that this little girl’s company would support this! 😦 I’ve looked at the American girl catalogues all my life and really loved the dolls! Thanks for posting this. I’m reblogging it.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Reblogged this on The Peculiar Messenger and commented:
    I used to love AG, I bought a ton of their books (fiction and non-fiction), I basically breathed AG… Praise God (lol), I’ve grown out of AG since about 2 years ago.
    American Girl did show such an article in their magazine. Yes; the parents were gay. It was clear as day.
    And its wrong. This is not natural. or right, or OK, or perfectly fine- it is down right awful and wrong. And AG published it smack dab in their magazine.
    Y’all know that I am a Lover and Follower of Yahweh. The Creator states very clearly in His Word that gay is a sin. I don’t support it, think its right or OK, or anything.
    That doesn’t mean I, or God, hates gay people. Yahweh says hate the sin, not the sinner. God loves everyone.
    I am quite surprised that AG did such a thing. If it wasn’t an evil thing already, for them to put that out there… AG is supposed to be a safe, clean place for girls to learn and grow (supposedly). Instead, AG has fallen in blindly to the fallen world we are in.
    This is outrageous. PLUS- young girls read this. They look at pictures. 6 yrs, 8 yrs, 10… If they don’t know, if their parents haven’t talked to them (as a young kid of 10-, they should not have to…!!), seeing something like that is simply wrong. Only a child’s parents should have any right like that to introduce such a thing.
    So, American Girl. While trying to fit in and be politically correct and not hurt people’s feelings (Ag was never Christian based, anyway)… They have lost a LOT of fans, purchasers, and users.
    I have seen a lot of young girls, tweens and teens alike, stand up against this. Extremely big lovers of AG, too- and why not? AG has great dolls and products!
    But AG’s main audience is young girls- young CHRISTIAN girls. And I am so proud, extremely pleased, to see that fellow girls are not putting up with this.
    I see girls standing up for what’s right, refusing to buy from AG, and point blank stating what they feel. Its so cool to me, to see young girls stay strong for Yahweh.
    (Also, AG supports Planned Parenthood. Yet another horrendous thing…)
    So! Fellow TRUE American young ladies… I want to say I’m happy to see the up roar from y’all. I myself was no longer an AG fan before this, so I can’t really say ‘we’, though I am standing against it. But I think its great that this is something y’all are standing for Yahweh, even though you guys have to change some things to still enjoy your dolls (etc).
    I know AG is not the only company/business we/I buy from that supports gay crap and PP, and I know that its hard to just not buy from all of them- but we can stand up. Fight back. It will take work, but…
    ” I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. ” Philippians 4:13
    P.S. Thanks Lainey, for standing up and making this post!

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  23. I used to read American Girl books a lot when I was young, and while I’m not a fan anymore, I have to say, I am very disappointed. But God is in control, and even with a culture overridden by depravity, He reigns.
    Thank you for standing up for truth, Lainey.

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  24. Oh Lainey, that photo in the American Girl magazine is awful!!! 😦
    It is SO sad that American Girl is supporting this… it’s sad and just not OK.
    I’m glad you posted about it, though. In my opinion, every AG fan needs to know what the company is now accepting and promoting…
    I’ll try spread the word to my family and friends, plan to write a letter of protest to American Girl, and like you, am boycotting the company.

    Sorry it’s taken me so long to comment about this, I’ve been really busy. We moved (again!), and I’ve had limited access to Internet…
    My mom says to tell you that she agrees whole heartedly with your post and is very proud of you for sticking up for what’s right! We both fully support you! 🙂

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  25. I read that article and it was quite frustrating. Though, now that it’s legal it will become worse. As I’ve said before, it’ll get worse before it gets better (the better part is for Christians). I go to a Christian school and there’s surprisingly a gay guy. He is nice and like we are told to love the person but not the sin. Knowing him has taught me to never judge them, though. It is sadly becoming part of our culture.

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  26. I cannot, believe this, it makes me want to cry, the world is so dumb, seriously, gay and lesbian marriage is NOT okay, God wouldn’t have said it’s wring if it’s not. I believe in God.

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  27. Also, if gay and lesbian was ok and natural, how come men can’t have babies too? Why can’t ladies get ladies pregnant? Yeah, so, there’s your answer, it’s NOT natural. End of story.

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  28. I personally think that there is nothing wrong with the fact that AG is supporting this. Even though I am not lesbian, I believe that it’s okay to be yourself and be happy. This isn’t dangerous and I find it great that AG is doing this since I know that people who are gay have a hard time because of bullying. I know people who are gay and they are very nice and wouldn’t hurt a fly. So yeah. Please don’t take this the wrong way. I do not mean to disrespect anyone’s opinion. I’m just stating my opinion.

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  29. I am very disappointed in AG for this, I agree it is definitely not right for them to support this, especially in their “clean and safe” environment… But if these people are happy then they should stay that way, also, the fact that they adopted a little girl warms my heart. I am not disagreeing with you, though, like I said, this isn’t right. And, I’m going to keep buying from AG, but I am definitely not going to support their decision to support this.

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  30. To me, gay marriage can be okay sometimes, isn’t okay at other times. It is good for AG to promote diversity, and I sort of have mixed feelings on the subject. I mean, everybody is free to love, and it’s quite nice of them to adopt a little girl, but God didn’t make two Eves a couple, or two Adams a couple. He created a man and a woman to be a couple. Personally, I think that you should contact AG about what they put in their magazine. They shouldn’t have done that. Thank you, Lainey, for putting this on your blog so that people could be aware of this

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    1. I just saw something – AG supports abortion? They support the act of taking a primordial right away from somebody? They support the act of basically killing innocents? Funny, I’ve noticed that the AG company people have already been born.

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  31. I think that gay marriage is fine. How would you feel if you loved a girl but couldn’t marry her because you thought that gay marriage is bad? I think love should decide who you marry, and I think that AG is right to support it. I am not afraid to side with gay marriage, because it is RIGHT! It is not sickening to support it, nor is it bad. The bible didn’t say that gay marriage is wrong. You should not be disappointed in AG. What is not clean and safe about AG now just because they support gay marriage? It is natural and right. I will continue to speak out against people who think that it is wrong. You might not post this comment, but you will have to read it.

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    1. You will never know how sad I am to read this.

      First, I would NEVER want to marry a girl. I enjoy having sisterly relationships with my friends, and I would never want anything more.
      Secondly, I have to disagree. Yes, people marry because they love each other. But God should be in the center of their relationship and their ultimate love. God is not the foundation for your relationship when it is a relationship He never wanted to exist.
      The Bible may not say in exact wording that gay marriage is wrong, but the reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah was because of it. That is proof enough for me that God despises it-with a passion.
      AG’s motto is: Follow Your Inner Star. In other words: Follow Your Heart. However, I have found that our hearts deceive us. We should not listen to our flesh. To what we want-we have a sinful nature. We should listen to the Holy Spirit, and through the Word of God. Not a feeling, emotion, or love for the same sex. God had intended from the beginning that MAN and WOMAN are to be together. Not two women or two men.

      I will pray for you daily.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. obviously YOU wouldn’t want to marry a girl, you’re straight. this homophobia makes me sick. you may not post this, but you’ll read it. someday i hope you realize how wrong you are. God loves everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. stop this hate. you’re right, we’ve got to put our foot down. but not for homophobia. for love. #lovewins

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      2. I COMPLETELY agree that God loves everyone despite of their choices. He hates the sin, not the sinner, and that goes for me as well. I did not write this post as a way to shake a finger at homosexuals-I did it because it would be wrong of me not to bring awareness to this issue. I had to stand up for my convictions. Hate is the farthest thing from my mind.


      3. Genesis 19:4-13

        4 But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:

        5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

        6 And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after him,

        7 And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly.

        8 Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

        9 And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.

        10 But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door.

        11 And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door.

        12 And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place:

        13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it.


    2. the bible says wearing clothes made out of more than one material is bad, and you do it anyways. just because the bible says something doesn’t mean it is true. give me one non-religious reason not to support gay marriage. just one, and maybe then i’ll see where you’re coming from.

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  32. Because I am ME. I have the right to support something if I think it is right. I AM a Christian, but I can say what I want to say. We all have our own voices, because we are US, individuals who can think their own thoughts. We can all believe in the same faith, but support something that the God of the religion might not agree with. He is in my heart, but I have the bravery in another part of my heart to SPEAK NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE!

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    1. I may not be able to sway your opinion, and yes, as Americans we have the right to speak out. But, judgement is coming. Coming soon. Our world, our nation, is getting worse day by day. The Lord is merciful, but eventually, time will be up. I don’t want the wrath of God to be on me. I can’t think of anyone who would. Eventually we will stand before God and He will judge us. I want the Lord to say to me “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”. If I do something or support something that I know He despises, well…I don’t want Him to look on me with eyes of sadness. Yes, I’ll still live with Him in Heaven for eternity, but I’ll also see that look for all of eternity.
      I don’t want the wrath of God during my life on earth-I don’t want that for our nation. I don’t want that for future generations. But if Christians don’t stand up for what’s right in God’s eyes, destruction is certain to come. Because for hearts to turn back to God, they often have to endure great crisis.

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  33. This actually was not an article on their support for gay marriage, it’s about a girl who was helping foster kids. And her dads were only talked about for a little bit, when she was telling her adoption story. American Girl may have employees that support gay marriage, but as a whole, this company has never released a statement or post stating their support. If you had read more carefully, you would see these facts. I should know. I am an unbiased reader with the same issue. I can go get it and post on my blog a post about it to set the record straight (straight? Get it?).

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  34. I’m so sad, and so dissapointed in AG. I can’t believe it, they seem like such a good company! Thanks for sharing. My parents and I are not quite sure of what we’re going to do yet -stop buying from AG, or keep buying and pray for them. God bless you, Lainey! ❤

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  35. Found this article today (Dec 7 2016. So upsetting to see the massive cultural shift…where companies push girls towards self-destructive behavior…whether abortion on demand (when AG was (is???) tied with Girls, Inc.) or promoting gay unions as a normal family.

    AG has lost its way…at least in part. Perhaps that’s in part…a reason for their financial downturn.

    And long history…is not on the side of those who seek to demean, diminish girls and otherwise weaken the family bonds through pushing abortion on demand and thru promoting gay unions. Look at late ancient Greece and late ancient Rome…Near the end of both great nations…the gay relationship was considered (I am told) superior to marriage. (Tho a young woman would be the wife…back home,…so the man could “breed sons”. Incidentally, the father could get rid of too many girl babies or any male baby they thought defective also…their version of “abortion”.)


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